Am I able to track my order?

Yes, you can track your order as far as the shipping courier in question allows. If you have further questions regarding tracking, you can contact us or the freight courier in question.

How fast do we deliver?

As our products are produced externally, the delivery time can be fluctuating but we aim for a maximum of 3 to 7 days delivery time. Delivery time may vary from country to country and depending on the production destination.

How is the price of shipping determined?

The shipping price depends on the country in question. It is basically not calculated based on the size of the product. However, a reservation is made that the shipping price for a product of a certain size may be subject to a different shipping rate.

Can I order to a country outside the EU?

Unfortunately, we can not deliver to countries outside the EU.
This means that the delivery option for third countries is unavailable.

Do you have a physical location?

Yes, we have a physical location, however, it is not accessible to costumers. 

How is the quality of the posters?

We use thick and long-lasting matte (uncoated) paper. 
Paper weight is 200 gsm.

How is the packaging?

The packaging is flat boxes or tubes. 
We use packaging that protects the product in the best possible way.